yaml: just say norway
because of this stupid toot I've learnt two things:
1. this is valid yaml:
.: &norway no
"just say":
2. this resolves (at least in some parsers) exactly as you'd dread it would
Also I may have ordered stickers (blame @jonty )
@SamLR Oh this 😬
For that time at work when we wrote a territory configuration in yaml with 2-letter country codes. One of the clients included Norway "no" and the pipeline said: I can’t do `country=False` …
Why would someone do this?!
@jamescooke I still love that our most popular config language is white space deliminated, includes new line continuation and often templated...
what could go wrong?
@jonty BTW in json this is:
{ ".": false, "yaml": {"just say": false}}
I should have stickers soon
Edited 318d ago