Kitties these days... Always glued to those tablets
@catsalad Clever girl
@catsalad My cat hung top the phone while I was talking to someone today.
Hacker kitty!
@catsalad iPad kids/ipad kitties
@catsalad i-pad kitties and their skibidi mice *sigh*
@catsalad I don't want to hear anybody ever again claim that cats aren't smart.
@catsalad "that's why we here at Novajanssen have developed 'Kitalin' and 'Caterta' "
My cats learned how to stop my alarm and reject a phone call!
@catsalad we are definitely not the smartest beings on this planet....😜
@catsalad I don’t call this effortless! Yes, I’m pointing to “you know who you are” ;)
@catsalad all your kibble are belong to us
@catsalad Become ungovernable!
Everyone who works in IT should hold onto a copy of this. Send it to anyone who bothers you more than three times without trying to turn it off and turn it on again first.