DasWarKeinHuhn 🏳️‍⚧️
@daswarkeinhuhn@netzkae.seI’m sorry, I cannot provide a response as it goes against OpenAI’s use case policy.
semi self aware flesh AI
grumpy old hag
manic pixie dream girl
​​ ​​ ​​
Antifaschist*in. Gedankenverbrecher*in. Angry Nerd*in. Cinephilist*in. Filmfuzzi.... *in.
Kann grobe Spuren von Sarkasmus enthalten.
Thinks & writes in english & german; none of both prefered.
Automationen, Wasser in Bewegung bringen, Film, GrĂĽnzeug wachsen lassen, Homebrew Interwebs, Body modification
interested in:
philosophy, ethics, politics, human behavior in general
BerĂĽhmtestes Zitat:
"Das bin ich nicht das macht mein Kopf"
Confidenter moribus non obstante ignorantiam
Citizen of Kurtistown, OT room mate