@semanticist yeh you’re right. I definitely don’t have a good answer. I was impressed at how generally trustworthy the EMF crowd were. I can’t help but wonder: if there were more fun easter eggs to be found, could it sway some people to divert their effort from being am asshole into going in search for them…? Idk
@herdingdata I think no, not least because some people have no imagination. Others have no time and have been ground down. In the EMF/convention/Fresher's Week context one thing attendees generally have is a lot of flexible time. It's hard to go a wander through Greyfriar's to find the secret wossname if you've only got 30 minutes for lunch, or worse, are late for work, or picking up your kids, or...
@semanticist ok I see where you’re coming from but can I offer a little counterpoint: pokemon go was pretty successful for a little while. I could barely grab a sandwich without hearing colleagues chat about it excitedly and make plans to go find more