I was shown this on app launch, but it seems not everyone had this screen and so they were being data fucked by a lot of corps.
Totally conspiracy theory vibes but the app stopped working after I toggled these off. Had to restart it. Do they hate privacy, or do they simply hate the worm?
That sort of app behaviour is completely underscoring …
*spoiler alert for subsequent original novel series*
… the necessity for the God Emperor to implement and maintain his Golden Path.
@likelyjanlukas means nothing to me as I haven’t read the books, and even if I had I cannot guarantee I’d even get the reference, dense obscurities!
The major underlying theme of the Dune universe is that the willingness of humans to create 'thinking machines' and then even *allow them to think and/or make decisions* on our behalf is the end of our species.
Paul's son later becomes the God Emperor, living thousands of years and enforcing his lesson of The Golden Path, to ensure humanity's survival against our tendency to over-invest in shitty tech 'fixes'.
(Huge oversimplification of plot)