@geekygirldawn (and if that reads as angry, it... is? I find the industry's deeply-embedded cultural 🙈🙉 when it comes to the links between personal finances and small-project maintenance increasingly infuriating.)
@luis_in_brief I agree with your frustration about people disconnecting finances from maintainer health. Also, as someone who recently and very suddenly lost a key maintainer in a car accident, I also have lots of feels about this topic and know first hand how disruptive this can be, regardless of the reason.
@geekygirldawn yes, when I first posted this article in 2019 lots of other friends of Seth Vidal (close friend of mine, yum maintainer, killed by a drunk driver while cycling home from work at RH) had Feels in response.
So, yes, I'm fine with a label that replaces the whole dreaded "factor" language.