Going to try to learn how to design 3D models for printing by making a Very Important Lady (from the Twirlywoos) stacking toy. I'm astonished nobody has done this before. I've never done this before, any good tutorials on using some sort of free CAD software? Video is a clip from the TV show showing the Very Important Lady https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0QZr7p9SlU
(The important thing that this clip is missing is that she regularly falls apart and squeaks a very plaintive "me me meeee" until the Twirlywoos put her back together.)
@CatherineFlick I would recommend starting with TinkerCAD. It’s great for that sort of thing.
@CatherineFlick I’ve just been reminded just how surreal Twirlywoos is, haven’t watched it in years. I learnt what Fusion 360 I know from this very relaxed Australian guy on YouTube.