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This is the home of very few Activity Pub accounts. It uses Takahē.

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My parent’s are in the priority assistance list for things like the water outage we had this week. In a display of utter incompetence Southern Water delivered bottled water to them a day after the mains supply was restored.

I’m constantly forgetting Threads is a social media thing so whenever people mention it I think of the harrowing 80s TV film.

@ludicity @jackeric this has also been my experience. The beginning is almost like magic, and then you’ll hit an issue the LLM can’t solve and be completely stumped because you have no idea what any of this code does and how it works.

A large chunk of Southampton and surrounding areas is currently without running water after a failure at the water works. Current projection is that Southern Water hope to have it fixed “by the weekend”. It’s given me a new appreciation for being able to just turn on a tap and have water come out of it.

We need an armistice on [Insert Thing Here] Wrapped. It’s got out of control. Music, games, films, books, money, grocery shopping, even the company I buy train tickets through has jumped on the band wagon. No more.

Why are Wikipedia constantly reminding me of the date and time? Am I late for something? I’m late aren’t I.

@muan @jackeric I’ve been to both the US and China. Chinese customs was infinitely more pleasant than US.

@tychotithonus @pascoda I’m Jon Wood, and once worked with Jon Ward. We were constantly redirecting emails sent to the wrong one of us.

Started on the new Indiana Jones game this evening, which alongside the modern Wolfensteins cements Machine Games’ place as the leading “beating up fascists” studio.

Can someone please get on with making widely available electric aircraft please? I’d really like to learn how to fly but I can’t even slightly justify the emissions involved in flying a private plane for fun.