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Jon Wood
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Unreal Engine 5 is astonishing. Entire landscapes built out of 3D scanned objects stacked on top of each other, with real-time lighting, running at 60fps on five year old hardware.

There are too many things in this world that I would like to learn, and not enough hours in the day, can someone please hire me to just mess about with various interests?

Mario movie was great. You can see the love of the series that everyone involved had shining through, utterly joyful, particularly with a nine year old who’s grown up with the games.

Deeply amused by the choice to set this series of Race Across the World in Canada. Firstly, it’s called Race Across the World, not Race Across Canada. Secondly, there’s no public transport, so the whole thing is just people at gas stations trying to hitchhike or hiring cars. Occasionally you’ll get another scene of people establishing the one bus a week left yesterday.

Valheim update: We have defeated our first trolls, and are now wearing some fetching troll trousers.

Not sure why, but I’m watching a 50 minute “documentary” about how the Titanic didn’t sink, it was an insurance scam because the Olympic was a write-off. It has dramatisations, which really make it.

Things I would like include, but are not limited to, an eSport that’s not a massive commitment to follow. I’d like to follow Rocket League but it’s all seemingly run as occasional tournaments that run 8 hours a day for four days.

Finally getting to the point at work where I’ve built enough low level libraries that I can start quickly throwing together higher level tools.

I have been playing Valheim with the nine year old (and also without, I just spent 2 hours recovering our gear after an unfortunate incident with a troll). It’s a wild ride, one minute I’m having a chilled trip down a river, the next I’m being mobbed by creatures capable of near instantly killing me.


The main discovery I’ve made so far today is just how bad I am at selfies.

Heading into London for a day of being a tourist. I'm going to see how many different forms of public transport I can use along the way, so far I've used a bus and a train, and I haven't even arrived yet.

This is a test toot