@iris @IanDSmith @gsuberland my old job was solely Hermetian tasks, with the added fun that no one wanted the messages I had to bring.
“Alight here for Business & IP Centre”. Thanks bus, but I’d rather be kicked firmly in the nads.
Thanks Uber for the least surprising fact ever. In a continent with a population of 442 million, over *one million* of them order food every week.
Super excited for the game, local multiplayer, the core game loop I think is pretty solid for quick bursts and there’s so much scope for feature creep. Did you know Unreal Engine can accept DMX inputs and control game parameters with them?
I’ve decided to learn to make a game. Got the core of a character who can run around picking up cubes down in three hours or so the other day from previous experience, then spent a good six hours on and off to make player two spawn. The answer was a 0.2s sleep before activating input.
In the original ending to T2, John and Sarah Connor prevent the rise of Skynet by hacking into Cyberdyne Systems and reducing the revenue on the balance sheet from $100billion to $95billion, but this didn't go over well with test audiences for some reason
Petition for all ovens to have 180c labelled rather than having to guess where it lies between 175 and 200.
@sarahdal @jonathanmatthews I have spoken to my Pokemon consultants (a Discord full of games nerds) and the literal answer is Trubbish, who is a pile of rubbish. It may be some time until the dust settles and we have a more definitive answer.
Oh, yes, and in morrisons (quiet, thanks) they were stripping the Christmas aisle out. One side was cleaning products & I guess the other side was going to be Easter. Can't let the poor guy enjoy his birthday without bringing out the chocolate of death
I’ve just been made aware Sainsbury’s are selling pigs in blankets tea, which I’m pretty sure is one of the omens of the apocalypse. They’ve also got sprouts tea; I assume that’s just the water someone overboiled the sprouts in.
There are so many minor aggressive moves made by product designers these days but the one that will bother me every single time is TV apps, which without fail will bury the option to continue watching the show you watched last under 2-3 carousels of half-arsed recommendations. 99% of your users want the resume option, please let us have it.
Who do I need to talk to for the Natural History Museum to be turned into a Hitman level? Dropping a whale skeleton on the target. Adjusting the t-Rex so it leans over and eats them. Dropping them in a vast jar of preserving fluid. There are so many possibilities!
My parent’s are in the priority assistance list for things like the water outage we had this week. In a display of utter incompetence Southern Water delivered bottled water to them a day after the mains supply was restored.
I’m constantly forgetting Threads is a social media thing so whenever people mention it I think of the harrowing 80s TV film.
A large chunk of Southampton and surrounding areas is currently without running water after a failure at the water works. Current projection is that Southern Water hope to have it fixed “by the weekend”. It’s given me a new appreciation for being able to just turn on a tap and have water come out of it.
We need an armistice on [Insert Thing Here] Wrapped. It’s got out of control. Music, games, films, books, money, grocery shopping, even the company I buy train tickets through has jumped on the band wagon. No more.
Why are Wikipedia constantly reminding me of the date and time? Am I late for something? I’m late aren’t I.
@tychotithonus @pascoda I’m Jon Wood, and once worked with Jon Ward. We were constantly redirecting emails sent to the wrong one of us.
Here is a video of a lady kissing different shelter dogs to see how they react, if you need a palate cleanser:
Started on the new Indiana Jones game this evening, which alongside the modern Wolfensteins cements Machine Games’ place as the leading “beating up fascists” studio.