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Jon Wood
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Happy new The Bear day to all those who celebrate!

Jon Wood boosted

The boss makes a dollar,
I make a dime
That was a poem
From a simpler time

Now his boss makes 1000
While I make a cent
And he's got employees
That can't make the rent

When the CEO makes a million
And we don't make jack
That's when we riot
To take it all back

Now Mr investor
If this seems extreme
I have to remind you
It beats guillotines

(from a user on Reddit)

I find it incredibly funny that someone had to fill in a form confirming that the light switches and plug sockets are included in the sale of my flat. Does anyone ever tick the no box on that?

Jon Wood boosted

Was reminded today that Bonzi Buddy was derided as spyware two decades ago for doing considerably less than the telemetry in virtually every modern application.

Jon Wood boosted

The fact that Microsoft Teams 🤮 contains a feature called "Teams" where actual teams can create a Team, and at Microsoft the teams working on that feature probably have a Team to discuss the Teams feature, suggests that there exists a Microsoft Microsoft Teams Teams Teams' Microsoft Teams Team.

Slightly sad at the stream of notifications I’m getting from Apple Health telling me, more or less, I’m not longer at EMF. Calories burned down, steps walked down, hours standing down, hours slept up.

Went to the pub last night and only quite late did I remember I’d promised the boy we’d go to the fun fair. I’m pleased to report that while it was touch and go I managed not to throw up on any of the very spinny rides.

Jon Wood boosted

Google: "You can now track sustainability in our cloud dashboards."
Also Google: "You should query those dashboards via GenAI."

Jon Wood boosted

I've created a basic app for searching an aerial photo using text queries. That's right, you can search for "roundabout" or "school playground" on an image of a city and get pretty good results!

Have a play with it here: - it's set up with an aerial image of Southampton, UK

Under the hood this uses the SkyCLIP model and the Pinecone vector database.

Jon Wood boosted

sometimes this is how work in feels

Personal money management

I’ve got an appointment with someone to come look at my flat tomorrow, which has been automatically scheduled for 8:20-9:20am tomorrow. There should be a law against scheduling things before 9:30am. Also willing to bet I’ll get up early to make sure I’m ready and they’ll show up at 9:20, when I’d have been up anyway.

Jon Wood boosted

How many professional programmers are working on pointless and/or actively harmful products?

Give me your best guess.

(If you vote, please boost to diversify the results. It’s polite.)

Options: (choose one)

Me: “Why am I feeling so off this morning?”
Also me: Has consumed nothing but caffeine since getting up.

Due to the small Python program I wrote to solve one of the puzzles in Botany Manor I’ve decided the player character isn’t whichever made up Victorian Lady the game thinks she is, and is in fact Ada Lovelace herself, who enjoys a bit of botany when not helping Mr Babbage out with his analytical engine.

Edited 121d ago
Jon Wood boosted
Jon Wood boosted

Happy Monday!

Botany Manor is a charming little game about finding the growing conditions for plants, just what I needed this evening to finish off the day.

I’ve spent a significant amount of today 3D modelling the main room of my flat and the furniture in it to try and find an optimal layout. I have now concluded the current one is as good as it gets while still being able to look out the window while working.

I left my previous job a year and a half ago and I’m still getting emails from GoCardless saying direct debit mandates from test transactions have expired.

I got given this 80 minute video of beautiful engineering by YouTube just as I was about to go to bed. It’s now midnight and I regret nothing

IMPORTANT DISCOVERY! Calpol syringes can be used as a crap slide whistle.

Amongst other things I just took delivery of a satellite dish with a laser mounted on it, much to the bemusement of the guy driving the truck.

I'd like to talk to whoever decided these two hour delivery slots should have single minute precision at either end. 12:14 to 16:14. Your pickup will be somewhere in this four hour window, but by God it will not be before 14 minutes past the hour.

Me: “I’ll have a quiet day before going back to work”
My mortgage advisor: “I need bank statements, payslips, life insurance, and your firstborn to get this mortgage going”

Oh well.