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Jon Wood
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I really dislike the way all video platforms have standardised on putting the option to continue watching the last thing you watched after three rows of recommendations. More actively user hostile design.

@james I met this caterpillar this morning.

And by “heroically drunk” I mean “will die like a hero”,

For 11pm on a Tuesday night there’s a surprising number of people out who are heroically drunk.

@an0key @jarkman I modelled my flat a while back to check furniture fit.

No, you can’t see it.

Definitely didn’t see this coming when they added an AI button to their mice.

@james I’ve consulted the administrator of my instance and they are in fact taking donations.

(It’s me, I’m the admin, and also the only user)

I broke the cardinal rule of no phone in bed. “Quickly” picked it up to do something and now it’s two hours later and instead of reading a book I’ve read the internet. This is why my phone charger lives at the other side of the room.

Every now and then I remember the Paris Olympic village features beds designed to make it difficult for the athletes to have sex with each other and chuckle at the naivety of it.

@nirak @solderandchaos this is why I’ll use Apple in-app payments whenever possible, which can be immediately cancelled and always remain valid for the rest of the period you paid for.

@hugh, which can also be self-hosted/run locally.

@skylar @Edent there’s also just plain old electric radiators. Not sure what the power usage looks like there and how viable it would be to run them off a home battery.

@skylar @Edent old school immersion heaters and storage heaters still exist, and I think in cases like this could make a lot of sense. My flat has both, and the moment I’m done buying it from the landlord they’re going on smart switches hooked up to Octopus Agile pricing.

Jon Wood boosted

Oh boy, I love this game 🕹️

Emailed magic links can be a great way to deal with authentication but please don’t make them single use, put a time limit on them instead. There’s one service I use which has single use tokens, which means that I’ll request a link, and then I can only use the service within the GMail app on my phone because any interaction with the link will cause it to be loaded.

@blogdiva @CatherineFlick I also missed this bit and now feel I’m going to have to go back and watch the whole show from the beginning.

@JoshMurray they cheated by not having to build the giant tower specially.

Could the BBC not afford an actual French interpreter? Fair play to this guy for giving it a go but it’s not ideal.

@pikesley @solderandchaos it’s a good thing they had all this archive footage, the flag bearer forgetting to leave until everyone else had made it to the finish could have been really embarrassing.

I’m bored of flat buying now. Relentless back and forth over trivialities where I’m pretty sure they only flag as an issue in a fraction of a percent of sales. I’m so tempted to tell my solicitor to just dump everything that’s left on the list of enquiries and crack on with things.

“We’re checking if all keys are accounted for” is a beauty on a long term rental property. There’s absolutely no way of knowing no previous tenant made a copy, the lock is getting changed regardless.

@carbonated_estrogen @lzg it’s one lecture where the professor just screams GET OUT for an hour.

I can just imagine the conversations in the writer’s room, where they needed to work out how to involve the rest of the cast. “It’s cool, one of them can twig the ship’s capsized and then the gang can steal an LAFD helicopter to go looking for them”.

During this episode the crew’s motto was established, which I shit you not is “who cares”.

I’m currently obsessed with 9-1–1, a drama about LA firefighters which jumped the shark in season 2 or so, and here in season 7 is launching them into the sky and doing flybys in fighter jets.

I’ve just howled with laughter through a three episode special in which two lead characters went on a cruise, where naturally the ship was attacked, had a hole blown in the side, and capsized in the middle of a hurricane. The script writers are clearly having the time of their lives.

@fesshole ahh, another healthy marriage.

@an0key congrats! Welcome to knowing why these things happen!