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Jon Wood
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I need to get some lunch but there’s a cat asleep on my lap. If someone could arrange for a food delivery person to break in and bring me something that would be great.

I spent this evening dealing with WebPush and service workers, which has led me to conclude these APIs were primarily designed to promote the wig industry, with the ability to send push notifications falling out as an unintended side effect.

@ceejbot @graydon maybe later? I’ll ask again in a day or two, you’ll probably have changed your mind.

Jon Wood boosted

dying laughing at terry cavanaugh’s tea-making simulator

Out of nowhere the boy just silenced everyone at this family gathering to say “when you think about it the mythological gods had a lot on their plate”.

No, TV, when I hit the standby button on the remote I don't want to be given a selection of attractive wallpapers to be displayed, I want you to go into standby. How is this even a thing?

Jon Wood boosted

"Welcome to our gander reveal party!"

"Don't you mean..."


Geese emerge from everywhere. There are no fireworks. Only geese. There are no balloons. Only chaos. There are no genders. Only honk.

Thought I’d killed one of our devices because it fell offline just as I flipped the configuration to test a new feature which had caused issues on test devices. Turns out coincidence had struck, someone unplugged it to take out to a client site for install at that very moment.

Capitalism is such a miserable thing. I look at the developments in machine learning based creation and it should be a joyful silly thing, I love that I can ask a machine to make me an industrial metal song about Crème Eggs being smaller now, but it’s all tinged by the fact it’s just another step along the road to putting people’s basic survival in jeopardy as we take their livelihoods and hand them over to make three people marginally richer.

Jon Wood boosted

I have just discovered that those odd waste/recycling bins that are all over the oldest bits of Bergen, Norway, link to an UNDERGROUND PNEUMATIC WASTE TRANSPORT SYSTEM. The waste collects for a bit and then WHOOSH... it's off to the recycling centre. All underground. No bin lorries (garbage trucks), fewer road vehicles, less noise... amazing. @davidho says that my (considerable) excitement about this is entirely unreasonable. I disagree.

If your flashing a balenaCloud image using balenaEtcher then it really should detect that and skip over the ad once you're done suggesting that you use balenaCloud.

While helping a taxi driver use the new version of his card payment app he perfectly summarised Big Tech: “They show me lots of ads, but not what I want to do”

I have a minor dilemma, in that I work a 4 day week, and think everybody else probably should as well. It’s lovely having a quiet day tacked onto the weekend when I can just get some stuff done.

The dilemma is that reasonably I should say school kids should also get a 4 day week, but then that day would no longer be quiet. To be clear I love my son dearly, I just also like being able to go out for a long walk without having to hear about Minecraft the whole way.

I am once again reminded that no matter how foul my mood a two hour walk will probably fix it. If anyone knows a way for me to remember that less than a week into being in a foul mood that would be ideal.

Jon Wood boosted

Introducing Tildagon: the badge for EMF 2024 and beyond

Jon Wood boosted

I attached what appear to be LEDs (photodiodes?) to a pair of headphones and now I can hear lights that blink in the hearing range of frequencies 🤔 No power source needed

I’m not claiming that it’s ear-safe, and the sound is headache-inducing albeit quiet, but it’s pretty interesting.

For example, dimmable LED lighting flickers at around 1000 Hz. All my lamps make a different sound. Moving the “light microphone” through sunlight makes a wind-like sound.

Edited 56d ago

Overheard between two ten year olds trying to get a game of Minecraft going earlier today: “What’s your number?”

I eventually worked out they meant version number.

Your thought for the day: buying a box of wine conjures a very different image to buying a crate of wine, and yet both are just ways to buy wine in bulk transported in a cuboid container.

I have finally completed a run in Balatro. That is all.

Jon Wood boosted

"Achieving carbon neutrality is like solving one face of a Rubik’s cube – necessary but not sufficient."

Another zinger from @timparrique, in response to another load of anti-degrowth drivel from Jacobin.

Jon Wood boosted

Secret Panel HERE ☕

Looking forward to our dystopian future where technology becomes a form of magic frozen at its current level when all the people who understood it have died and the junior people never got trained because they were replaced with an LLM.

One day I’ll learn that the world isn’t universally shit and I just need to eat something. Today was not that day, at least until I had some dinner (swearing profusely throughout cooking it).

Jon Wood boosted

From the Internet:
“Isn’t it weird how we as a society arrived at ‘monetize all your hobbies to support yourself’ before ‘rich people should pay their workers better’?

After some time wondering *why* the royals would go to great lengths to fake Kate being alive and well it has come to me. They’re frantically preparing Queue infrastructure before revealing the truth. Some investigative journalists could blow this wide open by trying to hire pedestrian fencing in London.