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Jon Wood
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@wikihow good effort on the failed romance theme but those lyrics are never going to fit a blues rhythm.

Edited 16d ago

@fesshole wasn’t there someone a while back complaining about a tradesman misspelling their name? Have we now had both sides of the fess and everyone thinks they’re up on the deal?

@tychotithonus @catsalad I was aware of ABU but maybe naively had assumed the issuers were also aware of it, and weren’t going to *send the new card details to exactly the same people who just fraudulently used the old ones*.

@q is this an exercise in malicious compliance because some security questionnaire said “are services behind a VPN”?

@hugh I did also see a hilariously expensive and absolutely huge force feedback yoke which looks amazing. Must not bankrupt myself buying controllers for a game I’ll probably lose interest in after a few weeks.

@hugh I could totally see myself becoming one of those people with a full physical sim cockpit one day. It seems you can get a plastic reproduction of just about everything for any given aircraft, but even just a few key controls would make a huge difference.

@hugh yeah, one the frequent complaints I hear from actual pilots is that trim is very counter intuitive in the sim because in a real plane you’d have physical feedback as you adjust it and the pressure on the yoke reduces. Hunting down controls with a mouse is a bit of a pain as well.

@scarlet @gsuberland they’ve all got a copy already, all you have to do is pay someone to suggest an internal multiplayer server.

Computers. Generally a bad idea. Doubly so when you’re fighting the UI while trying to ensure you don’t crash into the ground and die.

Today in Flight Sim: I upgraded to a plane with an autopilot, and then proceeded to spend an hour trying to make it fly the plane. Eventually got it to go somewhere near the airport and then flew the approach manually.

Me: “No, a film is a bit long for this evening”
Also me: Proceeds to watch two and a bit hours of YouTube video on the Garmin G1000 instrument panel for planes.

@gsuberland also my credit card company, which makes my balance statement emails which come with a subject of “Jonathan, your latest balance is available” sound like they’re passive aggressively judging me.

@gsuberland I this anytime someone calls me Jonathan, which while technically my name no one but very old friends of my parent’s have used since I was about 5.

Minecraft YouTubers balance your audio so you don’t have to shout over the backing music challenge. Difficulty level: Impossible

@pikesley the sad thing is that’s probably been AB tested to destruction. (In this literally to the point of the caption being destroyed)

@JackEric @sinvega congrats on having a non-terrible landlord. I ended up buying a new washing machine myself because I needed a working one within the week and knew my landlord would never pull that off.

@pash it might be the GUI isn’t great and you’ve dismissed this but NetworkManager likely has a plugin for whatever VPN Azure use, they usually include GUI within the network settings panel.

@JackEric I am indeed trimming a lot, although haven’t quite got a feel for it yet. Feels like I’m always over one way of the other, which from what I’ve seen is inherent to flying a simulator, while in a real plane you can feel it through the yoke.

Feels like I’m improving at Flight Sim now 4 take offs, 4 landings today, only 1 go round. I need to print a checklist I can see because I keep doing things like going to increase flaps for landing only to find I never brought them up after take off.

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Monday - Ian

Tuesday - Greg

Wednesday - Ian

Thursday - Greg

Friday - Ian

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Sunday - Ian

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@vncresolver tall boi.

Also several go rounds, including one in which I very nearly stalled because I forgot I was trimmed for landing and then overcompensated.

Landed twice this evening in my Flight Sim adventures. Neither was tidy, and in one I nearly ran out of runway, but its progress. Also getting gradually better at flying straight and level.

Jon Wood boosted

If I was anonymously holding a government to ransom and a judge ruled that I must reveal my identity and give everything back, I would simply not do that